Neil was a bright young man who was passionate about running, photography and helping others.  He dreamed of making his hometown, Scappoose Oregon, a go-to location for track athletes while increasing community accessibility to the sport and the track. Tragically, he lost his life in October 2020. 

Run With Neil was founded to carry on the legacy of a young man who was kind, thoughtful and a well respected friend to all. A group of dedicated community members have joined with Neil’s family to make Neil’s dream of a higher quality track program a reality. In addition, this group is committed to providing resources to create mentorship programs, partnering with groups who provide mental health resources, and removing financial barriers for athletes who may otherwise be unable to participate. Our youth will be able to access high-quality athletic amenities that are safe, inclusive and desirable. 

Neil found great joy and peace while running. This is something he desired for others as well. He showed his generosity by being the first to offer help, and the last to leave at the end of a meet. 

Run With Neil is for all of the Neils out there. The passionate, quiet ones who dream big and long for a place where people of all ages and backgrounds can gather and be accepted. 

We carry the torch on for you, Neil.